Dear friends
We have recently received some emails from different parts of the world with people (mostly Jehovah's Witnesses) asking our beliefs and our purpose for having this online chirstian group. We have combined these questions together and we answer them shortly here. If you still wondering about certain things you can always send us an email in
Yes we are. We are baptized members of the Jehovah's Witnesses and some of us are serving in positions of service in the Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses.
No we are not. This is why-
(1)We have not been disfellowshipped (excommunicated) by the leadership of the Jehovah's Witness Organization.
(2)Our views are directed only from the Sacred Scriptures and we do not support doctrines and practices that modern day apostates (for example we do not embrace the Trinity, the immortality of the soul or that all "good" people will go to heaven).We also do not want to raise hatred against our Jehovah's Witness brothers and sisters. We do not use apostate propaganda against them (like the lie that Jehovah's Witnesses had joined the United Nations or that they hide pedophiles)We focus on the Bible and the doctrinal points that the leadership and others in the congregation should consider more seriously.
(3) We are also not part of any of the Christendom churches which we consider them to be part of the Babylon the Great (Revelation 17:5).
(4) We also do not encourage Jehovah's Witnesses to leave the Organization. We still believe that Jehovah's Witnesses are the main part of the Spiritual Temple's Sactuary which the Lord will continue to cleanse until His final Jusgement upon His House (Revelation 11:1 , Malachiah 3:1-4, 1 Peter 4:17-18)
(5) We do not speak against the Governing Body and its members. We consider them brothers in Christ who take the lead. We raise questions only when a human teaching and thought is above what the Scriptures say whether this thought comes from prominent Christians, Christian elders or other Christians inside the Congregation. It is a duty to inform others and show them what the Scriptures say especially when many professed Christians neglect the Scriptures or put other teachings above them (Amos 8:11, Mark 7:1-9)
We do- earnestly waiting for Him to raise people among His servants to guide and to clarify (Proverbs 4:18). Nevertheless, the Bible does not say we should just wait but not act ourselves too. Without making divisions in the congregations we should express what the Scriptures teach and what we ought to follow according to God's standard, while waiting on Him (John 17:17). In this way we follow Jesus as our Sheperd and not men, for His is the Head of the Congregation and of each Christian (John 10:4-18,Ephesians 1:22,1 Corinthians 11:3) We respect those in authority but on the other hand, we don't have to walk in their ways when their supposed "brighter light" teachings are no biblical . Prophet Isaiah said : "If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them" (Isaiah 8:20) So, if someone's spiritual education contradicts God's word, there is absolutely no light in it and it should be avoided. And we should speak out as a testimony (Proverbs 31:8-9,Hosea 4:6)
We deeply appreciate the spiritual teachings of the leadership of JW.Org which are based on the Scriptures. This is the Truth, whatever is supported by God's Holy Law, the Bible. We prove all things and hold fast what it is good (1 Thessalonians 5:21) We higly estimate the writings of anointed brothers who served as leaders of God's people like Charles Taze Russell, J. Rutherford, Fr. Franz. On the other hand, we cannot embrace all of the mistakes they did in earnestly seeking to find the christian truth.
The Governing Body and the Watchtower Society have never claimed infallibility . "“The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction.” (Watchtower February 2017 -Study Edition, page 26)It is important to say that even in "doctrinal" matters.
We do not want to take the place of the governing body in the congregation (even if some of us are serving now as elders) and we do not claim any such divine appointment. While reading the verses Matthew 24:45-47 and Luke 12:42-44 it is quite clear that Jesus used the illustration of the "faithful slave" as a parable for Christian leaders. He did not mean to appoint an elite group of men who are to give the absolute truth to His flock. This is a concept that comes from apostate Christendom and not from Jehovah's teachings. It is them that have their own elite groups (Bishops, Archibishops and Popes) to teach them what it is truth and what it not. Jehovah is dealing with the elders and appointed men in the congregation to lead the sheep and this should be taken into serious consideration. Apostle Peter described himself as "a fellow elder" of the other elders in the congregation and not as someone who was above them to impose his teachings (well even if he did, that would be wonderful because HE was inspired!) - See 1 Peter 5:1
We appreciate the sincerity and humility of the past leaders of Jehovah's flock but we reject error wherever it can be found, trusting in God (Psalm 146:3-7) We do not question their sincere motives, not even the concept to exist a Council of Leadership in the Church. But this does not give anyone the authority for a "faithful slave" to impose views and opinions which are not founded in the Bible and most of all- the "spiritual food" is not his own ,neither needs his authorship. It should be the Lord's and only the Lord's (from the Scriptures) and He is to judge Him when He comes, before Armageddon (Matthew 24:46-46)
Our difference is that we do not consider we were appointed in a position the Bible tells it's symbolical and we do not show a particular chronologie which that "appointment" was supposed to take place- 1919 for the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses. Thus we do not claim to have absolute truth and we do not want to impose our views to the congregation. We raise awareness for the Scriptures so as not for others to be misled. We point our Scriptures and not ourselves. We do not endorse the idea of having a central leadership that has a power that was never given. We publish articles without any human concepts and ideas- only what the Bible says and each one is free to choose either to listen or not. We do not exercise power in disfellowshipping someone if he doesn't accept teachings not vital for salvation. Only the primary teachings are to be kept by the Lord's people as a basis for fellowship (rejection of the Trinity, rejection of the immortality of the soul, two hopes ,paradise earth , Millennial Kingdom of Christ). Other stuff (generations, 1914 ect) are not vital for salvation and thus are to be considered in the judgement of each Christian if he is to accept them or not without treatened with excommunication or disfellowship.
We do not encourage division among God's people on the manner of worship. The Bible it's clear, we should all worship the same (Bible study, meetings, singing praises, attenging conventions) and be one with our brothers and sisters in fellowship because we support the essential Truth teachings(John 17:21,1 Corinthians 1:10, Romans 15:5,6 16:17). In the spiritual level of each Christians , there are divisions even in the same congregation- We read : "A large house contains not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay. Some indeed are for honorable use, but others are for common use. So if anyone cleanses himself of what is unfit, he will be a vessel for honor: sanctified, useful to the Master, and prepared for every good work.…" (2 Timothy 2:20-21) The Christian Congregation has a variety of people in it , some like sliver, purified and some other who are useless. So, there IS a division already existing! And we approve those who are like gold, do we not?We certainly do!
There can certainly be divisions from these who teach a different gospel and we should avoid them (1 Cor 1:12–13, Titus 3:9-11, Hebrews 13:9,1 John 2:19,Jude 1:16-19). But concerning people who are committed in sharing the pure message from the Bible and only the Bible are to be kept in high regard. We are not seeking attention ourselves nor we want followers. We just want to give the Bible message as it is.
If divisions are to be made because of persisting in the true teachings, let them be. Jesus did the same to the jewish nation the "visible Organization of Jehovah"(Matthew 10:34-36) Luther and others later spoke against the self claimed Vicar of Christ, the Pope because of his unholy teachings (see Romans 1:16). Brother Russell made a same division in the Adventist Movement when he formed his Bible Student group. Judge Rutherford did the same with these who wanted to stay in the old teachings of the Bible Students which were not taught in Scritpures (like the Great Pyramid). Each anointed Christian in his own way and time was chosen to do a division from those who remained in doctrines because of the tradition of men- maybe it's time to do the same now by the Lord's grace!
Although we are going to write some articles which will deal with this question in depth, we shortly answer here as most of our readers want to know:
(1) We believe that Jesus is to cleanse His spiritual Household more and He is going to judge it in the future and not in 1919 as Jehovah's Witnesses of the Watchtower Organization believe. We believe this position is described in Matthew 24:45-47, 1 Peter 4:17
(2)We believe the number 144,000 is symbolical as it comes from other symbolical numbers
(3) We believe that this time (The Gospel Age period as Br. Russell said) is the time only for the anointed to be gathered and the preaching work has to primarily apply to the rest of the Bride members to be called . Nobody has the right to change the message of what Jesus and the apostles preached and making it different to "fit the current period" (Matthew 24:14, 3:2, 4:17, John 1:12, Acts 2:38)
(4) As a result of number (3) we reject calling people in the Memorial of Christ's Death who are not part of His body. The Bible says that this occasion is only for baptized anointed Christians and not for the public to attend.
(5) We believe the great crowd of people WILL constitute an earthly class of believers who we consider the same with the nations judged by Christ upon His coming (Revelation 7: 9-17, Matthew 24:31-38) Both of these occasions support the idea that the great crowd makes its appearance after the last sealing of the anointed and in the beginning of the great tribulation (Revelation 7:1-8) This will be the time, a little before the destruction of Babylon the Great, in which millions of people will come out of her by joining the true religion by "washing their garments in the blood of the lamb" (Revelation 7:14), because they didn't obviously wear clean garments previously. They will be these righteous persons which are found basically in false Christendom now and they will come out by accepting the true God Jehovah and Christ Jesus,but due to the end of the heavenly calling ,they won't have the opportunity of being of the Bride of Christ.
We do not consider there is a call for an earthly class to be gathered in Jehovah's spiritual temple now as the Bible does not contain such a call (Ephesians 4:4-6) The "other sheep" doctrine of being an earthly class cannot be used to support the Watchtower view since Jesus by that term ("other sheep) meant the first century Gentiles who would be gathered by him in His new fold, the Christian Congregation (founded in 33 C.E) and received the heavenly calling too (See apostle Paul's explanation about who the other sheep are in Ephesians 2:11-22)
(6) We believe that the resurrection of the saints (the anointed Christians) is not yet accomplished but it will take place when Jesus comes, just before Armageddon as the Scriptures support (1 Corinthians 15: 50-52, 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17). As for the rest of mankind there will be an earthly resurrection about the sincere people who believed in God (with all the faithful ones of the Old Testament) as well as for those who didn't have the chance to do it ( John 5:28-29, Acts 24:15).
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